Sunday, July 8, 2012

Trance and Graceling

Haha! I read Trance already But then I started Graceling and what can I say... I loved it... Trance not so much but yes to Graceling!

There is the cover of the one that I read.

Graceling by Kristin Cashore

I was introduced to this book by a sales girl at chapters, and not in the way that they tell you to buy a book. She was really interested in the book itself and she kept talking about the characters and that is what made me decided to try this book. Any book that can make someone gush must have something going for it right? That and I just love to read.

The character development in the book for Kasta and Po, was nice to read. They did not stay the same characters that you meet at the beginning of the book. Kasta learned a lot more humanity then she thought she had. Another nice thing was the fact that Po, and Kasta were able to show you that things can be looked at in many ways. When you read the book you will understand what I meant when I say that. I just don't want to ruin the book for someone that is really interested in reading the book. Bitterblue's character, I loved that we got to watch her open up from the shell of a scared girl to lovely young girl with a fierce personality.

Another part of the characterization that I liked was the way that the Villian was portrayed, the writer made the villian seem perfect, while still making him vulnerable. Also the way that the writer introduced many characters, giving them thier own story's and personalities even though they might not have played a big part in the book was nice, after all in my opinion two dimensional side charcters just take away from the story, even if it's just two or three pages.

For readers that are looking for a book that has a great plot that pulls you in from the very start than this is the book for you. Not only do you get hooked from the first chapter but you find yourself thinking about the book when you are not able to read wondering what is going to happen next.

The book does take place over a period of time but the writer was able to make it smooth and did not leave the reader time to get bored, because while there were slow moments you still learn during that part.

If you are looking for a good read that pulls you in then this is the book for you. If you have looked at this book in the store more then once and have not bought it yet, then this is the time for you to pick it up and read it. You might like what you read

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